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Kosher Certification for Healthy & Natural Foods

The Green K is a kosher certification agency promoting restaurants who ascribe to the green lifestyle. We are in restaurants, and also juice bars and coffee shops. Though we provide kosher certification, we are also a resource for individuals looking to increase their awareness about the Green Kosher Lifestyle.


A Musmach of Rabbi Dovid Feinstein

Rabbi Hayim S. Wahrman received his rabbinic ordination from Rabbi Dovid Feinstein, the son of late Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, revered as the greatest sage of the last generation.

In 1992, he was appointed Rabbi of the Millinery Center Synagogue in Midtown Manhattan, a position he held for over twenty-five years. He is currently Rabbi Emeritus at the Millinery Center Synagogue.

Kosher means “conforming to standards” of food preparation, as defined by Scripture. Jews are a skeptical people.

They like checking into things, like knowing that insect matter was removed from their vegetable products.

When an establishment opts for kosher supervision – and when people trust the supervision – the result is new customers.

It's a pretty straight forward investment.



Hours of Supervision

Sun - Thurs 9 am - 6 pm, Fri 9 am - 2 pm